I am watching around and noticed that they are doing shit-trick called facebook likejacking as the screenshot below:

A POST request to facebook will be generated when you click the close button at the top-right corner.
It was blocked by my antivirus, sorry foody!
It was blocked by my antivirus, sorry foody!
Look into the detail header of this request:
Request URL: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like/connect
Request Headers CAUTION: Provisional headers are shown.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Origin: https://www.facebook.com
Referer: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=https://www.facebook.com/FoodyVietnam&send=false&layout=button_count&width=450&show_faces=false&font&colorscheme=light&action=like&height=21&appId=349480478502595
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.117 Safari/537.36
Form Data
fb_dtsg: AQDBhOAV
href: https://www.facebook.com/FoodyVietnam
action: like
iframe_referer: http://www.foody.vn/
__user: 1117881115
__a: 1
__dyn: 7wfGbwKBAo
__req: 1
ttstamp: 265816866104796586
__rev: 1139153
So what happens behind that? The hidden like button is under the close button. By modifying css it will appear:
Javascript function to check status of the current user to do their rat trick:
window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
appId: "395614663835338",
channelUrl: "http://www.foody.vn/channel.html",
status: !0,
cookie: !0,
xfbml: !0,
frictionlessRequests: !0
}), $(function () {
var a = $("#fbLike");
a.length > 0 && FB.getLoginStatus(function (b) {
if (b.status == "not_authorized" || b.status == "connected") {
var c = $.cookie("fbCookie");
c ? a.remove() : $(document).mousemove(function (b) {
left: b.pageX - 15 + "px",
top: b.pageY - 3 + "px"
}), $(document.activeElement).attr("id") == "fbIframe" && ($.cookie("fbCookie", "1", {
expires: 5,
path: "/"
}), $.cookie("fbPro", provinceId || 217), a.remove())
You can see the detail source here: http://static.foody.vn/Scripts/public.core.min.js
Backup code: public.core.min.js_part1 , public.core.min.js_part2
At this time, foody's facebook page has more than 240k like, how many of them are real;)
Backup code: public.core.min.js_part1 , public.core.min.js_part2
At this time, foody's facebook page has more than 240k like, how many of them are real;)
//After the basic review above, now we can take a deeper inside the real likejacking of foody.vn.
See the video pls ;)... Dog tail appears soon!
See the video pls ;)... Dog tail appears soon!
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